Saturday, April 25, 2009

Alice Swarbrick taught us how to make these crosses by folding paper and tearing it.  The church and the children LOVED it!  They are so eager to learn about crafts and object lessons that bring the message of Christ home.  

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reverse Culture Shock

Reverse culture shock is really interesting.  My apartment looked so bright in color, which it is, but it really stood out in my eyes.  The Kenyan people we stayed with or visited have very nice homes, but there are not many bright colors or things on the wall.  Target seemed so quiet and a bit boring.  The abundance of stop lights and organized traffic were comforting and noticeable.   The amount of comfort items we have here stand out boldly to me.  We have all three made decisions to make some personal sacrifices so we can help with more things financially.  That means that the many catalogs that were waiting for me go into the bin and I walked past a lot of things during my maiden voyage at Target.  

Along with reverse culture shock is horrible jet lag.  I hate jet lag.  I don't hate it enough to say I won't go through it again, but I hate it.  I am typing this at 4:45 am, and I have been up for almost an hour.  I can barely keep my eyes open at 6 or 7 pm.  It is just a matter of time.  

Many of you are reading Dangerous Surrender.  I am praying for you as you read, because when you decide to be gloriously disturbed I will hook you up and maybe this time next year you can be experiencing your own jet lag and reverse culture shock.  

Thanks for reading!  Elise

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I did not like sleeping with the net, and as a result I have some bites on my body.  I am not concerned about them since I am on Malaria meds, but I hope I don't regret that decision.  The bed was uncomfortable and it was hot, so I could not add one more thing to the bad equation.  It occurs to me that I am not painting a good picture of our trip in some of these comments.  We all three loved every moment and were very willing to put up with the little would be too given the chance.  
Our trip home took 24 hours.  We had a long layover in Amsterdam.  We were able to take showers, which helped.  I am so happy to be in my own bed, but all of the heat, and dust and bucket baths were totally worth it.  It is time to shift to the exciting things that God is doing here like Sports Camp!  I know that Kenya will continue to be a part of what we are doing, and that is great.  We will continue to post pictures, thoughts and videos.  However, we are glad to be back serving with each of you.  Thanks for your prayers! 

Our friends treated us to a trip to the game park.  You have to stay in your vehicle at all times because the grass is high and lions could be anywhere.  We were invited to get out to see hippos in their natural environment, but only because this ranger was armed with a rifle.  He enjoyed showing us his monkey friends.  
  Carolyn did not enjoy the slimy tongue of the giraffe! 
This is the traditional dress of  a Massai warrior.  He is holding a wisdom stick that is given to the wise chief of the tribe.  We brought one back for our wise chief, David.  It was hard getting it out of the country because they considered it a weapon in my suitcase.  It made it hear safely and our chief has it!